2-7 December 2024
European Youth Centre Strasbourg
- Trainer-Facilitator: Erblin Ajdini
- Trainer-Facilitator: Xavier Baró
- Trainer-Facilitator: Maria Celina Del Felice
- Trainer-Facilitator: Yael OHANA
- Trainer-Facilitator: Nevena Radosavljević
- Trainer-Facilitator: Lala Safarli

This is online space has been set up to support communication and exchange among the participants of the 8th Arab-European Youth Forum.
The forum is co-organised by the League of Arab States and the Council of Europe Youth Department in Luxor, Egypt, wiht the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Egypt.
15-18 October 2024.
- Facilitator: Ahmed Ali Ghorab
- Facilitator: Mina Fangari
- Facilitator: Nurana Mammadova
- Facilitator: Nourhan Saleh