The Council of Europe Youth Department runs a project entitled Youth revitalising democracy, that follows-up on the results of its 2022 youth campaign Democracy Here | Democracy Now. The project aims to restore the mutual trust between young people and democratic institutions and processes. It involves activities at European and national level, organised with the support of partner national authorities and youth civil society, advocating for increased political youth participation through lowering the voting age at 16 and for the implementation of the Council of Europe recommendation CM/Rec(2022)6 on protecting youth civil society and young people, and supporting their participation in democratic processes.
In this framework, the Youth Department organises a training course for young activists for democracy with a view to develop the competences of young activists in advocating for revitalising democracy and to create a group that further supports advocacy actions at European and national level in the framework of the project.
- Trainer-Facilitator: Rui Gomes
- Trainer-Facilitator: Dariusz Grzemny
- Trainer-Facilitator: Lisa Teresa Gut
- Trainer-Facilitator: Camelia Nistor
- Trainer-Facilitator: Kateryna Zeziulina