Dear Partner, 

welcome to the course for potential organisers of Compass national and regional training courses on Human Rights Education. This course is designed to assist  you during preparation and implementation phases of the training course to take actions step by step.

The course consists of .. chapters which include relevant materials for each step of your communication with Education and Training Devision:

Awarding of your application according to the call for proposals - templates of administrative documents, grant agreement, estimated budjet, checklist, guidlines for the next steps and deadlines.

Preparation period after establishing relations beetwen your organisation and Education and Training Division - recrutment of thainers and participants, building timeline of activity.

Implementation of the activity - evaluation, templates for programme, list of participants, news item for the Council of Europe Youth Portal.

Reporting of the outcomes - templataes of narrative and financial reports, checklist.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the organisation of your activity or the documents then contact the contact Programme Officer or Programme Support Assistant of the Education and Training Division assigned to your training cource. 

General contact e-mail address for any questions: