The 4th edition of Enter! LTTC is set out to be an example of European level youth worker training which contributes to the quality, access and diversity of youth work and its social and political role in addressing violence, discrimination and exclusion faced by young people in disadvantaged neighbourhoods.
The function of the course is to better equip youth workers with knowledge and skills to support their local communities in accessing social rights. More specifically, the course supports better understanding of the links between youth work provided at grassroots level in disadvantaged neighbourhoods and access to services, spaces, support, opportunities for young people.
For more information visit: Trainer-Facilitator: Chargeishvili Sulkhan
- Trainer-Facilitator: Gomes Rui
- Trainer-Facilitator: Gudakovska Natalja
- Trainer-Facilitator: Mribah Mehdi
- Trainer-Facilitator: Salas Corrigan Monica
- Trainer-Facilitator: Stajer Agata
- Trainer-Facilitator: volpi silvia
The consultative meeting aims to build a common understanding of the role of intersectionality in promoting social inclusion, fostering active participation and combating discrimination taking an intersectional approach by:
1. creating a deeper understanding of intersectionality and its application in the youth sector
2. identifying experiences, examples and expectations from the youth field in applying the theoretical frameworks of intersectionality
3. proposing examples of educational activities, tools and approaches on the basis of intersectionality that are applicable and used in youth work and training activities
4. identifying what the youth sector stakeholders can do to further apply an intersectional approach in their work.
The online learning activity aims to introduce concepts such as identity, inclusion and intersectionality to the participants so that they can reflect on their experiences and propose ways how to build more inclusive projects in their work.
The activity will gather participants from ENIL – the European Network for Independent Living, AEGEE – the European Students Forum and OBESSU – Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions. Some 25-30 participants will take part.
The activity is consisted of online modules on Moodle, and 2 online meetings – conferences.
- Facilitator: Fazekas Agnes Sarolta
- Facilitator: Manevski Stefan
- Facilitator: Mehdiyeva Zulfiyya
- Facilitator: Santos Isabel
- Facilitator: Ünal Beyza
Training Seminar “Remembrance and learning from World War II”
14-18 December 2020, online
The training seminar is co-organised by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, National Youth Council of Russia and Youth Department of the Council of Europe. The activity will be held with the support of the MIREA – Russian Technological University.
The activity is a part of the 2020 Action plan of the Framework Programme on co-operation between the Council of Europe and the Russian Federation in the field of youth policy as a contribution to implementing one of the objectives of the Framework Programme – promoting intercultural dialogue, peacebuilding and cultural diversity.
- Facilitator: Filaretova Marina
- Facilitator: Kherenskaya Elena
- Facilitator: Ksenia Fedorova
- Facilitator: Pandea Anca Ruxandra
- Facilitator: Popova Olga
- Facilitator: Tena Pera Ramon
- Trainer: Atanasov Dragan
- Trainer: Baró Xavier
- Trainer: Bawidamann Iris
- Trainer: Chardymova Natalia
- Trainer: Cooijmans Floris
- Trainer: Gasimzade Ilhama
- Trainer: Gomes Rui
- Trainer: Harder Tim
- Trainer: Imre Bogdan
- Trainer: KILIC Cihan
- Trainer: Tomic Vojislava
- Trainer: Vinciguerra Venusia
The COMPASS training-course will enhance the quality of human rights education with young people and of non-formal education through the development of competences (knowledge, skills, attitudes) of youth workers, leaders and trainers to implement educational projects and activities at local, regional and national level.
The COMPASS LTTC is a thorough and complex capacity building activity that combines various forms, working methods for personal development and practical experience of the participants.
June 2017 – April 2018, Baku – Strasbourg
- Trainer: Abasaliyev Azer
- Trainer: Baró Xavier
- Trainer: Chardymova Natalia
- Trainer: KILIC Cihan
- Trainer: Mammadova Pervana
Une formation du Conseil de l'Europe pour 30 animateurs et travailleurs de jeunesse oeuvrant pour la mise en oeuvre de la Recommandation Enter! par le biais de projets menés en partenariat avec des autorités locales dans le contexte interculturel des Centres européens de la jeunesse.
A Council of Europe complementary training for 30 youth workers to implement the Enter! Recommendation through projects in partnership with local authorities within a European and intercultural context provided by the European Youth Centres.
- Trainer: Bawidamann Iris
- Trainer: Chardymova Natalia
- Trainer: Chargeishvili Sulkhan
- Trainer: Cooijmans Floris
- Trainer: Csalagovits Zora
- Trainer: Gomes Rui
- Trainer: Gudakovska Natalja
- Trainer: Morgado Ana
- Trainer: Murashkevych Aleksey
- Trainer: Tomic Vojislava
- Trainer: Uyttersprot Pieter-Jan
- Trainer: Volpi Silvia
- Trainer: volpi silvia
Long-term training course on access of young people to social rights and autonomy through youth work
Долгосрочный тренинг-курс по доступу молодых людей к социальным правам для представителей общественных организаций и органов власти, работающих с молодёжью в Российской Федерации
- Trainer: Feldman Anna
- Trainer: Filaretova Marina
- Trainer: Georgescu Mara
- Trainer: Gureva (Urakova) Ekaterina
- Trainer: Ivanian Ruzanna
- Trainer: Manevski Stefan
- Trainer: Popova Olga
- Trainer: Никитина Наталья
A seminar on the implementation of the Recommendation on the access of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to social rights [CM/Rec(2015)3] through youth work and youth policy practitioners -
Séminaire consacré à la mise en œuvre de la Recommandation CM/Rec(2015)3 sur l’accès des jeunes des quartiers défavorisés aux droits sociaux par le travail de jeunesse et les praticiens des politiques de jeunesse
27 – 29.09.2016
- Trainer: Georgescu Mara
- Trainer: Gomes Rui
- Trainer: Manevski Stefan
- Trainer: Pandea Anca Ruxandra